Dear valued customer
Thank you for choosing Leapfrog 3D printers. Due to the reorganisation of the Leapfrog backend systems, we temporarily stopped selling spare parts.
Our upmost priority is still to keep your printers up-and-running. Therefore we made this partlist with descriptions to, until the new system is online, source alternative parts yourself locally. For replacement instructions please visit our repair manuals here.
NEMA 17 stepper motor 40mm Partnumber; C-04-1010 Description; Extruder and X-axis motor. Model: Wantai 42BYGHW609L20P1-X Present in; Alternative; NEMA17 stepper motor (40mm length) | |
NEMA 23 stepper motor 56mm Partnumber; C-01-1045 Description; Y-axis motor and Z-motor. Model: SM57HT56-2804AFC Present in; Bolt Alternative; NEMA23 stepper motor (56mm length) | |
NEMA 23 Motor cable SP-04-1017 Bolt: (Left and Right Y-motor and Z-motor cable) Bolt PRO: (Left Y-motor and Z-motor cable) | |
Extruder Drive Gear C-01-1098 Extruder drive gear / pinch wheel that moves the filament. | |
Axial Fan 50x50x10mm 24V Partnumber; C-04-1009 Description; On printhead (Always on), behind printhead and next to LMC. Present in; Bolt Alternative; 2-wire 5050x10mm axial fan 24V. | |
Radial Fan 5015 24V 0.07A Partnumber; SP-01-1015 Description; On printhead for part cooling. Present in; Bolt Alternative; 2-wire 5015 blower fan 24V. (0.07A prefered) | |
Bolt (PRO) fan duct set (L+R) Partnumber; 3DP-180424-P1-LR Description; Fan duct on printheads. Download STL here. Print yourself in ABS material Present in; BoltBolt PRO | |
6-4mm PTFE tube set - Bolt (PRO) Partnumber; C-01-1101 Description; PTFE tube from rear of machine to printheads.
Bolt Alternative; PTFE tube with 6mm outer diameter, 4mm inner diameter. Lengths; 1.9m Left + 1.5m Right = 3.4m total | |
Bolt PRO Print Head PCB V3 C-04-1101 Electronics-board behind both printheads. The board model of both printheads needs to be similar.
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Soft Power Board V2 Bolt Pro C-04-1081 Softpowerboard sits on top of Raspberry Pi
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Electronics board - LMC V3 rev2 - Bolt (PRO) C-01-1233 Motorcontrolboard Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Spring, compression, 10x1.2x25mm Partnumber; C-04-1172 Description; Compression spring for filament tension and bed alignment.
Bolt Alternative; Compression spring with the following specs; 10mm outer diameter, 1.2mm wire thickness, 25mm length | |
Belt clamping plate 3D-SHT-160104-P3 Clamp that holds the printhead on the X-belt.
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Drive Heatsink Bolt Pro Print Head 3D-MCH-160104-P2-R2 Printhead heatsink
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E3D V6 Nozzle 0.40mm Brass 1.75mm Partnumber; C-04-11544 Present in; Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 Can be sourced from E3D; E3D V6 Brass Nozzles ( | |
E3D V6 NozzleX 0.40mm Hardened tool-steel 1.75mm Partnumber; C-04-11545 Present in; Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 Can be sourced from E3D; E3D V6 Nozzle X Nozzles ( | |
Heat break for E3D hot end 3D-MCH-160621-P1-R4 Includes PTFE liner Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 | |
E3D V6 hot end fixing kit Partnumber; C-04-11542 Present in; Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 Can be sourced from E3D; Fixing Kit (v6) – E3D ( | |
E3D V6 hot end silicone sock PartnumberC-04-11541 Present in; Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 Can be sourced from E3D; V6 Silicone Socks (Pack of 3) – E3D ( | |
E3D hot end heater and temperature sensor kit C-04-11543 Description; 24V 40W Heater + PT100 Temperature sensor Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 Alternative; Solder E3D 24V 40W heater cartridge or E3D PT100 temperature sensor. | |
E3D V6 hot end aluminium heat block Partnumber; C-04-11540 Present in; Leapfrog Bolt (PRO) Hot End - Generation 3 Can be sourced from E3D; V6 Aluminium HeaterBlock – E3D ( | |
Bolt Pro Filament Gland Tubing set SP-04-1061 Upper aluminium gland + Lower ABS+ gland (for 1 printhead). Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Push In Coupling 3D printer 6mm, M5 Partnumber; C-01-1145 Description; Coupling used for 4mm-6mm PTFE tube. Mounts on Upper aluminium gland, printhead. Present in; Bolt Bolt PRO Alternative; Push-in coupler for 6mm tube, with M4 thread. | |
Bolt Pro BuildTak Surface Partnumber; SP-04-1141 Description; BuildTak printing surface (sticker) Present in; Bolt Bolt PRO Alternatives; Buildtak sheet of 350mmx350mm or PEI magnetic spring steel build plate 350mmx350mm | |
Bolt Pro BuildTak Flexplate system Partnumber; SP-04-1142 Description; BuildTak printing surface (Flexplate) Present in; Bolt Bolt PRO Alternatives; PEI magnetic spring steel build plate 350mmx350mm | |
16HTD3M-BF-05 Pulley HTD 5mm bore Partnumber; C-01-1036 Present in; Bolt (X motor pulley) Bolt PRO (X motor pulley) Alternative; HTD pulley 16HTD3M-BF-05 | |
20HTD3M-BF-06 Pulley HTD 6mm bore Partnumber; C-01-1037 Present in; Bolt (Y and Z motor pulley) Bolt PRO (Y and Z motor pulley) Alternative; HTD pulley 20HTD3M-BF-06 | |
20HTD3M-BF-08 Pulley HTD 8mm bore Partnumber; C-01-1038 Present in; Bolt (Z motion system) Bolt PRO (Z motion system) Alternative; HTD pulley 20HTD3M-BF-08 | |
30HTD3M-BF-08 Pulley HTD Partnumber; C-01-1039 Present in; Bolt (Z motion system) Bolt PRO (Z motion system) Alternative; HTD pulley 30HTD3M-BF-08 | |
Ball bearing spindle 332 mm C-01-1104 Z-spindle Bolt Bolt PRO Alternative; 1604 ball spindle 332mm with 4mm Pitch | |
Timing Belt HTD 3M-1125-9mm (X&Y axis) Closed C-04-1004 Timing belt X and Y axis. Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Timing Belt 3M-267-9mm 3D (Z axis short) Closed C-01-1072 (short) Timing belt Z axis Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Timing Belt 3M-1569-9mm (Z axis) Closed C-01-1074 (Long) Timing belt Z axis. Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Carbon HEPA Filter 120*120*25mm SP-03-1013 Bolt (PRO) HEPA Filter Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Power Entry Module C-02-1050 Inlet for power cable. Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Bolt (PRO) Drag Chain Cable assembly (pair) SP-04-1008 Cables that run to the printhead. This part contains the cables for both left and right printhead. Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Bolt Pro X Endstop Cable assembly (pair) SP-04-1023 X-endstop cables. Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Bolt Pro X Motor Cable L/R assembly SP-04-1016 Cables that run to X-motors on left side of printer behind side panel Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Microswitch C-02-1063 Description; X-endstop switch, Y-endstop switch and Z-max endstop switch Present in; Bolt Bolt PRO: Lever needs to be removed. | |
Temperature Sensor 100K (printbed) C-01-1235 Temperature sensor for printbed. Bolt Alternative; Generic thermistor with 100K resistance | |
Camera Webcam HD Bolt Pro C-04-1034 Replacement webcam Bolt Bolt PRO | |
LM 12 L UU bearing C-04-1001 X-axis bearing Bolt Bolt PRO Alternative; IGUS Drylin LM12LUU linear bearing or standard linear bearing LM12LUU | |
LM 12 UU bearing C-01-1042 Bolt Alternative; IGUS Drylin LM12UU linear bearing or standard linear bearing LM12UU | |
12mm Rod L=520mm + threads 3D-MCH-160104-P9CA X-axis linear guide shaft Bolt Bolt PRO Alternative; 12mm steel rod with 520mm length | |
Leapfrog Toolkit A-13-002 Toolkit for 3D printer maintenance Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Leapfrog USB stick 2GB A-13-016 USB Storage Device for transferring Print files Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Hiwin Linear Guide Rails 500mm /w slider Partnumber; C-04-1100 Description; Y-axis linear guide Present in; Bolt PRO Alternative; HIWIN 15mm HGH15CA 500mm long | |
Silicone Strip C-04-1046 (request length in cm) Wiper silicone high temperature Bolt Bolt PRO | |
Leapfrog extractor unit A-04-01 External fume filter with saturation indicator Bolt Bolt PRO |